
General punters: We’d love to hear your thoughts, question suggestions and feedback.
Provided it’s not a sexist tirade, a racist rant or a sweary monologue (sorry but we get a lot of unsolicited mail from Mary Berry) then please fill in the box below.

The Press: If you are a journalist wanting to write middling-to-nice stories about us then feel free to call 0207 600 6114 or email

Big business: We will happily sacrifice all our morals in return for used twenties. Please click on ‘Work with us’ in the top menu, or fill out the form below, or contact the press details above.

Everyone else, fill in your deetz below…

Alternatively, if we’re behind on the bills, you only write with a quill or you’re sending a massive cheque then we can be found at 41 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5JG.